The company was formed by a technocrat with a vast experience in the field of design and manufacturing of control engineering and automation products. The company consists of a unique blending of multi disciplinary skills and management expertise. Our diversity of information system technology, engineering and manufacturing expertise combined with our ability to effectively operate and manage client facilities and support functions enable us to excel in meeting a full range of required services. Splar Machinery is among India’s Special machine manufacturing. Our vision is to provide cost-effective, state-of-the-art technology and User Friendly production Machinery
Splar Machinery Pvt. Ltd started by a group of technocrats with extensive experience in diverse fields including manufacturing and the installation of Sophisticated Machines , Customer Support, Commissioning and design of Control system. We have experience in and acquired the required technology for integrating the Automation system for the various applications. The application includes, Sealed Quench Furnaces, Vacuum Furnaces, Thermo Vacuum chambers, Conveyor controls, Machine Tool SPMs, Vacuum Arc Melting furnaces, Vacuum Box coaters, Motion control projects, Drive control panels, process automation panels etc.